Loe is bitter, yet so sweet

Loe is bitter, yet so sweet

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I haven't even finish half the homework yet! Still got projects on the standby, When will i finish them all?????????????? Luckily still got time to relax and play com. Ha Ha.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Holiday homework!

Waaaaaaa holiday homework! I hate you! So many homework for the June Holiday, but never mind. At least still got homework to do leh............. Still got CIP on 3, 4 and 5 of June. But then still got other secrets leh like going out to shopping with...................... hee hee

Friday, May 29, 2009

Exam results

Sign......... Today not a very good day for me. Cos get back results liao. Very lousy leh, English only get B4. Cannot believe it! And then hor, ranking in class is third, a Malay guy got first. I very jealous sia. In the End-Year Exam, i must beat him. I love to get first lor. That feeling is so shoik.Ha Ha, LOL! But i must really wok harder, everything is dropping. Thanks for listening.
